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Top 3 Influential Scientists who shaped The World

Find the most trailblazing minds of scientists reshaping our history. World's Greatest Scientists: Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Galileo Galilei.

Listed below are the influential scientists who shaped our world:

  1. Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643 – March 31, 1727)
    • Born in Woolsthorpe, England.
    • Known as the English polymath.
    • Studied at the University of Cambridge's Trinity College.
    • Newton's three laws of motion are fundamental to classical mechanics.
    • Formulated the law of universal gravitation.
    • Profound impact on mathematics and science due to his work on calculus.
    • Designed the first practical reflecting telescope, the Newtonian telescope.
    • Deeply involved in alchemy and theological studies.
    • Revolutionizing our understanding of the physical world.
    • Because of his legacy in scientific research, he is considered one of the greatest scientists in history.
    • Died in Kensington, London, United Kingdom.
  2. Albert Einstein (March 14, 1879 – April 18, 1955)
    • Born in Ulm, Germany.
    • Known as a German theoretical physicist.
    • Famous for the theory of relativity (E=mc²).
    • Revolutionizing our understanding of space, time, and energy.
    • Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his extraordinary scientific contributions.
    • Widely popular as a symbol of scientific genius and an iconic image for his distinctive hairstyle and demeanor.
    • Died in Princeton, New Jersey, United States.
  3. Galileo Galilei (February 15, 1564 – January 8, 1642)
    • Born in Pisa, Italy.
    • Known as an Italian scientist.
    • Focused on mathematics and natural philosophy.
    • Pioneered the use of telescopes for astronomical observations.
    • Discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter, the Galilean moons.
    • Observed phases of Venus and lunar craters.
    • Conducted experiments on the motion of falling objects.
    • As the principle of inertia, laid the foundation for classical mechanics.
    • Contributed to the development of the scientific method.
    • Known as the "Father of Modern Science" for his groundbreaking work and advocacy of empirical research.
    • Died in Arcetri, Italy.
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